Important news

Till 22 gen 2025 students of the 2° and 3° year are requested to complete the questionnaire for the 1° e 2° year (the last year ended). Please be aware that the questionnaire is very important for the PhD. course. Its compilation is a duty of yours. I remind that the questionnaire is totally anonym.

Click on the following link:
Then proceed with authentication by clicking on the red icon (login) in the left menu. In the opened window, select our University and enter your credentials. Once logged in, you can access the questionnaire from the left menu by
following the path [Questionari] > [Compila] and clicking on the button in the center of the page.
The questionnaire can be read in Italian and English.
Thank you

The election for student representative in PhD commitee is 13/01/24.

The election for student representative in Department council was 14/11/2024.

Remember to vote!



Students who started 1 Gen.  present their work 19 Dec 2024 at 10am at DINFO meeting room.

They should submit their report on 15/12/24

3rd year students should submit their thesis no later than 31/12/24

The presentations will be in the meeting room at DINFO in the days:

  • curriculum AOSC : 17/10 starting from 9.30. Probably the meeting will last for part of the afternoon. The meeting is led by Prof. Luigi Chisci
  • curriculum TLC: 15/10 starting from 14.30. The meeting is led by Dania Marabissi
  • curriculum INF: 16/10 starting from 14:30. The meeting is led by Prof Marco Bertini
  • curriculum EEE: 16/10 starting from 9:30. The meeting is led by Prof Stefano Maddio

3rd-year students should close the final Thesis on 31/10/2024.

A draft of the manuscript is required in October during the presentation of their annual activity to the PhD commitee.

We announce with pleasure that on May 23rd the Second Edition of the PhD Day of the 4 PhD programs managed by the Departments of the Engineering School will take place,

All the details on the event can be found on te dedicated web page:

The event will be held on May 23rd at the School of Engineering, via di Santa Marta  3, room 060 (main room and registration) and in streaming in room 045.

It is also possible to join on line:

A general call is open for PhD positions at the University of Florence. See page for information and registration. 

Deadline for applications 13th June 2024 at 12 (noon, italian time)

For the PhD program in Information Engineering see in particular the fact sheet

Phd Program in Information Engineering


The Ph.D. course aims to train researchers capable of carrying out high-quality research work related to Information Engineering in academic and non academic research institutions as well as in industrial research & development centers.
The course consists of four curricula:

Biomedical Engineering is anorther subject represented inside the aformentioned curricula. These curricula cover all the main areas of Information Engineering.

Learning outcomes:

Students will achieve the Ph.D. title after demonstrating :

1. Knowledge and understanding

A systematic understanding in the curricula selected by the student among the four present in the course, and mastery of the skills and methods of research associated with that field.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding

The ability to conceive, design, implement and adapt a
substantial process of research in the field with scholarly integrity.

3. Making judgements

The capacity of contributing through original research that extends the frontier of knowledge by developing a substantial body of work, some of which merits national or international refereed publication; the capacity of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

4. Communication Skills

The capacity of communicating with their peers, the larger scholarly community and with society in general about the areas of expertise the students work in.

5. Learning skills

The capacity of developing those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.



List of internal courses

Who is eligible to apply?

You must hold a MSc degree or equivalent (at least 5 years of university studies). You may apply before graduation but you must obtain your degree before October 31th of the current year. You also must be able to use English in a professional context (a CEFR B2 level is sufficient). Please consult the Procedures on this site.

Are there scholarships available?

There are scholarships provided by University of Florence and possibly additional scholarships funded by external companies or research institutions. Scholarships can be increased  by 50% during periods spent abroad for study and research.  All scholarships cover the full PhD program.

What is the program duration?

The duration of the program is three years.The program can be temporarily suspended and subsequently resumed under special justified circumstances.

How are candidates selected?

As an applicant, you will be evaluated in a competitive way by a designated committee on the basis of your past academic achievement, as well as on the basis of your knowledge of disciplines directly relevant to the program, your aptitude to research, and your investigative skills. The selection process requires the submission of a research project and a formal interview before the committee.

Can I simultaneously submit applications for other PhD programs?

Yes. However, in case you are selected for two or more programs, you must submit your enrollment choice before the program starts. Also, if you are not immediately selected but ranked close to the top of the list, you may be still admitted, should other candidates ranked above you decide to enroll in another program