Cycle XXXVI – PhD students

Riccardo Belardi

Advisors: A. Lucchetta, S. Manetti

Topic: Sviluppo di strumenti di diagnosi e di prognosi di guasti in sistemi elettrici basati su tecniche di machine learning

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Advisors: M. Pieraccini

Topic: Development of advanced Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar and Ground Penetrating Radar

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Advisors: L. Mucchi,  D. Marabissi; S. Caputo, M. Pierobon (University of Nebraska-Lincoln; external tutor)

Topic: Molecular and nano-scale communications

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Advisors: A. Del Bimbo, L. Seidenari, F. Becattini

Topic: Human actions and behaviours

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Advisors: F. Schoen, Alessandro Innocenti (tutor aziendale, Yanmar),

Topic: Artificial Intelligence algorithms for anomaly detection in the engine field

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Advisors: A. Del Bimbo

Topic: Artificial Intelligence per migliorare l’accessibilità e l’usabilità di servizi e infrastrutture e a supporto della vita quotidiana di disabili e anziani

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Advisors: L. Facheris, F. Argenti, S. Del Bianco

Topic: Experimental assessment and consolidation of the theoretical foundations of the NDSA measurement technique for the estimate of water vapor content in the atmosphere.

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Advisors: P. Nesi, E. Iadanza

Topic: Designing and developing a dedicated HTA Sentiment Analysis Framework for Medical Devices and Medical Procedures in Healthcare

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Advisors: F. Schoen, M. Sciandrone

Topic: Theory and Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization

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Advisors: M. Bertini, A. Del Bimbo, L.  Seidenari, F. Becattini

Topic: Machine Learning Memory Augmented Network

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Davide Martini

Advisors: D. Angeli, G. Innocenti, A. Tesi; tutor aziendale: Roberto

Topic: Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)

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Andrea Stomaci

Advisors: D, Marabissi , L. Mucchi 

Topic: Sicurezza nelle Reti di Telecomunicazioni con l’ausilio di Machine Learning e Physical Layer Security

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Alessio Viti

Advisors: L. Carnevali

Topic: Mad Brain: Software per la gestione di una flotta di veicoli a  guida autonoma

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