Lorenzo Bongini, Energy Control and Power Systems European Phd School

The Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Energy Control and Power Systems European Phd School consists of five-day lessons in the field of power converters, electrical machines and drives, electrical power systems and power management. I have just attended the 20th edition of the European PhD School thanks to the Phd funds. The School is located in the angevine castle of Gaeta since a part of the castle belongs to the University of Cassino. The European PhD school allows to attend lectures by renowned and experts and to meet some multinational companies. However, the greatest opportunity offered by this school is the possibility to create connections with PhD students of all Europe.

This 20th edition of the European PhD School has been defined by its organizers “the edition of the records” since 110 PhD students, from more than 20 countries, have registered. International speakers from universities such as Ohio, Edinburgh and Belfort and from companies such as General Electric, ZES Zimmer and Bosch have enriched the school program. In the following link more details can be find:


Several interesting topics have been in treated, in particular

  • Professor Drazen Dujic has discussed some design optimization methods for the medium frequency transformers. These transformers are frequently used in isolated DC/DC power converters. Therefore, the definition of transformer parameters is fundamental for the proper design and operation of the power converter.
  • Differently, the lecture of Professor Marcello Canova has been focused on electrochemical energy storage systems for stationary and dynamic applications and in particular on lithium ion battery technology. The storage systems used in electrical vehicles must comply with certain conditions mainly due to safety reasons, hence a model to predict the batteries performance and the degradation has been presented.
  • The lecture of Professor Sasa Djokic deals with impact of electric vehicles charge on the electrical distribution network. Considering the diversity of the recharge technologies. It has been analyzed the impact of the recharge of 50 single-phase electric vehicles on the low voltage electrical network. The results of this study allow to obtain a control strategy of the whole urban network considering the presence of one electric car for each family.

The school program has provided occasions of meeting among the students who could share their studies and their research topics. In particular, the poster sections allowed to create collaborations about complementary interests. This amazing experience has been fundamental for research future and also for research personal growth.

Thank you for the time spent reading this contribute.

Lorenzo Bongini.