Cycle XXXI - PhD Students

Advisors: M. Basso, M. Vassalli (IBF-CNR, Genova)
Topic: Modeling, identification and control of cellular mechanical forces

Advisors: D. Fanelli, F. Bagnoli (Dip. Fisica e Astronomia); L. Chisci, G. Battistelli
Topic: Dynamics and control of complex networks

Advisors: M. Sciandrone, F. Schoen
Topic: Optimization methods for big data and applications to healthcare

Advisors: P. Tortoli, F. Varray (UCLB, Lyon, France), D. Vray ( Univ. of Lyon, France)
Topic: 3D imaging based on photo-acoustic multispectral methods (co-tutelle with UCLB, Lyon, France)

Advisors: M. Basso, G. Innocenti, L. Giovanardi (GE Oil & Gas)
Topic: Development of algorithms for MEMS measurement systems

Advisors: E. Del Re, L. Mucchi, L.S. Ronga
Topic: Development of wireless communication systems exploiting visible light

Advisors: L. Bocchi
Topic: Quantitative analysis and modeling of the microcirculation and its alterations in critically ill patients